4-port 10/100 Mbps ADSL Modem Router
User’s Manual
APPENDIX A TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................................ 69
General Problems............................................................................................................ 69
Regulatory Approvals..................................................................................................... 72
Chapter 1
This Chapter provides an overview of the FBR-1416's features and capabili-
Congratulations on the purchase of your new FBR-1416. The FBR-1416 is a multi-function
device providing the following services:
Shared Broadband Internet Access for all LAN users.
4-Port Switching Hub for 10BaseT or 100BaseT connections.
Figure 1: FBR-1416
FBR-1416 Features
The FBR-1416 incorporates many advanced features, carefully designed to provide sophisti-
cated functions while being easy to use.
Internet Access Features
Shared Internet Access. All users on the LAN or WLAN can access the Internet
through the FBR-1416, using only a single external IP Address. The local (invalid) IP Ad-
dresses are hidden from external sources. This process is called NAT (Network Address
Built-in ADSL Modem. The FBR-1416 has a built-in ADSL modem, supporting all
common ADSL connections.
IPoA, PPPoE, PPPoA, Direct Connection Support. The FBR-1416 supports all
common connection methods.
Auto-detection of Internet Connection Method. In most situations, the FBR-1416
can test your ADSL and Internet connection to determine the connection method used by
your ISP.
Fixed or Dynamic IP Address. On the Internet (WAN port) connection, the FBR-1416
supports both Dynamic IP Address (IP Address is allocated on connection) and Fixed IP
FBR-1416 User Guide
Advanced Internet Functions
Application Level Gateways (ALGs). Applications which use non-standard connec-
tions or port numbers are normally blocked by the Firewall. The ability to define and
allow such applications is provided, to enable such applications to be used normally.
Virtual Servers. This feature allows Internet users to access Internet servers on your
LAN. The required setup is quick and easy.
URL Filter. Use the URL Filter to block access to undesirable Web sites by LAN users.
Logs. Define what data is recorded in the Logs, and optionally send log data to a Syslog
Server. Log data can also be E-mailed to you.
Firewall. As well as the built-in firewall to protect your LAN, you can define Firewall
Rules to determine which incoming and outgoing traffic should be permitted.
Dynamic DNS Support. DDNS, when used with the Virtual Servers feature, allows
users to connect to Servers on your LAN using a Domain Name, even if you have a dy-
namic IP address which changes every time you connect.
VPN Pass through Support. PCs with VPN (Virtual Private Networking) software
using PPTP, L2TP and IPSec are transparently supported - no configuration is required.
LAN Features
4-Port Switching Hub. The FBR-1416 incorporates a 4-port 10/100BaseT switching
hub, making it easy to create or extend your LAN.
DHCP Server Support. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides a dynamic IP
address to PCs and other devices upon request. The FBR-1416 can act as a DHCP Server
for devices on your local LAN and WLAN.
Configuration & Management
Easy Setup. Use your WEB browser from anywhere on the LAN or WLAN for configu-
Configuration File Upload/Download. Save (download) the configuration data from
the FBR-1416 to your PC, and restore (upload) a previously-saved configuration file to the
Remote Management. The FBR-1416 can be managed from any PC on your LAN.
And, if the Internet connection exists, it can also (optionally) be configured via the Inter-
Network Diagnostics. You can use the FBR-1416 to perform a Ping or DNS lookup.
Security Features
Password - protected Configuration. Optional password protection is provided to
prevent unauthorized users from modifying the configuration data and settings.
NAT Protection. An intrinsic side effect of NAT (Network Address Translation) tech-
nology is that by allowing all LAN users to share a single IP address, the location and
even the existence of each PC is hidden. From the external viewpoint, there is no network,
only a single device - the FBR-1416.
Firewall. All incoming data packets are monitored and all incoming server requests are
filtered, thus protecting your network from malicious attacks from external sources.
Protection against DoS attacks. DoS (Denial of Service) attacks can flood your
Internet connection with invalid packets and connection requests, using so much band-
width and so many resources that Internet access becomes unavailable. The FBR-1416 in-
corporates protection against DoS attacks.
Package Contents
The following items should be included:
The FBR-1416 Unit
1 Cat-5 Ethernet (LAN) cable
1 RJ-11 (ADSL) cable
Power Adapter
Quick Installation Guide
CD-ROM containing the on-line manual.
If any of the above items are damaged or missing, please contact your dealer immediately.
FBR-1416 User Guide
Physical Details
Front-mounted LEDs
Figure 2: Front Panel
Power LED
On - Power on.
Off - No power.
Status LED
Off - Normal operation.
Blinking - This LED blinks during start up, and during a Firmware Up-
For each port, there are 2 LEDs, to indicate the connection speed
(10BaseT or 100BaseT) of each port.
100BT - This will be ON if the LAN connection is using 100BaseT,
and Blinking if data is being transferred via the corresponding LAN
10BT - This will be ON if the LAN connection is using 10BaseT, and
Blinking if data is being transferred via the corresponding LAN port.
If neither LED is on, there is no active connection on the correspond-
ing LAN port.
On - ADSL connection is available.
Off - No ADSL connection.
Flashing - Data is being transmitted or received via the ADSL connection.
Rear Panel
Figure 3: Rear Panel
Connect the supplied power adapter here.
Power port
Use standard LAN cables (RJ45 connectors) to connect your PCs to
these ports.
LAN connections
Any LAN port on the FBR-1416 will automatically function as an
"Uplink" port when required. Just connect any port to a normal port
on the other hub, using a standard LAN cable.
This button will reset the FBR-1416 to the factory default values.
To do this, press and hold the Reset Button for five (5) seconds, until
the Status LED is lit, then release the Reset Button, and wait the
FBR-1416 to restart using the factory default values.
Reset Button
(Reset to Defaults)
Connect this port to your ADSL line.
WAN port
(ADSL port)
Chapter 2
This Chapter covers the physical installation of the FBR-1416.
Network cables. Use standard 10/100BaseT network (UTP) cables with RJ45 connectors.
TCP/IP protocol must be installed on all PCs.
For Internet Access, an Internet Access account with an ISP, and a DSL connection.
Figure 4: Installation Diagram
1. Choose an Installation Site
Select a suitable place on the network to install the FBR-1416.
2. Connect LAN Cables
Use standard LAN cables to connect PCs to the Switching Hub ports on the FBR-1416.
Both 10BaseT and 100BaseT connections can be used simultaneously.
If required, connect any port to a normal port on another Hub, using a standard LAN ca-
ble. Any LAN port on the FBR-1416 will automatically function as an "Uplink" port when
3. Connect ADSL Cable
Connect the supplied ADSL cable from to the WAN port on the FBR-1416 (the RJ11 con-
nector) to the ADSL terminator provided by your phone company.
4. Power Up
Connect the supplied power adapter to the FBR-1416 and power up.
Use only the power adapter provided. Using a different one may cause hardware damage
5. Check the LEDs
The Power LED should be ON.
The Status LED should flash, then turn Off. If it stays on or blinking after 60 seconds,
there is a hardware error.
, there is a hardware error.
For each LAN (PC) connection, one of the LAN LEDs should be ON (provided the PC is
also ON.)
The WLAN LED should be ON
The WAN LED should be ON if the ADSL line is connected.
For more information, refer to Front-mounted LEDs in Chapter 1.
Chapter 3
This Chapter provides Setup details of the FBR-1416.
This chapter describes the setup procedure for:
Internet Access
LAN configuration
Assigning a Password to protect the configuration data.
PCs on your local LAN may also require configuration. For details, see Chapter 4 - PC Con-
Other configuration may also be required, depending on which features and functions of the
FBR-1416 you wish to use. Use the table below to locate detailed instructions for the required
To Do this:
Refer to:
Configure PCs on your LAN.
Chapter 4:
PC Configuration
Check FBR-1416 operation and Status.
Chapter 5:
Operation and Status
Use any of the following Advanced features:
Chapter 6:
Advanced Features
Dynamic DNS
Firewall Rules
Firewall Services
Virtual Servers
Use any of the following Administration Configuration
settings or features:
Chapter 7
Advanced Administration
PC Database
Config File
Remote Admin
Upgrade Firmware
Configuration Program
The FBR-1416 contains an HTTP server. This enables you to connect to it, and configure it,
using your Web Browser. Your Browser must support JavaScript.
The configuration program has been tested on the following browsers:
Netscape V4.08 or later
Netscape 7
Internet Explorer V5.01 or later
Before attempting to configure the FBR-1416, please ensure that:
Your PC can establish a physical connection to the FBR-1416. The PC and the FBR-1416
must be directly connected (using the Hub ports on the FBR-1416) or on the same LAN
The FBR-1416 must be installed and powered ON.
If the FBR-1416's default IP Address ( is already used by another device, the
other device must be turned OFF until the FBR-1416 is allocated a new IP Address during
Using your Web Browser
To establish a connection from your PC to the FBR-1416:
1. After installing the FBR-1416 in your LAN, start your PC. If your PC is already running,
restart it.
2. Start your WEB browser.
3. In the Address box, enter "HTTP://" and the IP Address of the FBR-1416, as in this
example, which uses the FBR-1416's default IP Address:
4. When prompted for the User name and Password, enter values as follows:
User name admin
Password password
FBR-1416 User Guide
If you can't connect
If the FBR-1416 does not respond, check the following:
The FBR-1416 is properly installed, LAN connection is OK, and it is powered
ON. You can test the connection by using the "Ping" command:
Open the MS-DOS window or command prompt window.
Enter the command:
If no response is received, either the connection is not working, or your
PC's IP address is not compatible with the FBR-1416's IP Address. (See
next item.)
If your PC is using a fixed IP Address, its IP Address must be within the range to to be compatible with the FBR-1416's default IP
Address of Also, the Network Mask must be set to
See Chapter 4 - PC Configuration for details on checking your PC's TCP/IP
Ensure that your PC and the FBR-1416 are on the same network segment. (If
you don't have a router, this must be the case.)
Setup Wizard
The first time you connect to the FBR-1416, the Setup Wizard will run automatically. (The
Setup Wizard will also run if the FBR-1416's default settings are restored.)
1. Step through the Wizard until finished.
You need the data supplied by your ISP. Most connection methods require some data
The common connection types are explained in the table below.
2. On the final screen of the Wizard, run the test and check that an Internet connection can be
3. If the connection test fails:
Check all connections, and the front panel LEDs.
Check that you have entered all data correctly.
Common Connection Types
ISP Data required
IP Address
Your IP Address is allocated
automatically, when you connect
to you ISP.
a) ADSL parameters (VPI and
VCI) may be required, if they
cannot be detected automatically.
b) Some ISP's may require you to
use a particular Hostname or
Domain name, or MAC (physical)
Static (Fixed)
IP Address
Your ISP allocates a permanent
IP Address to you.
a) ADSL parameters (VPI and
VCI) may be required, if they
Usually, the connection is "Al-
ways on".
cannot be detected automatically.
b) IP Address allocated to you,
and related information, such as
Network Mask, Gateway IP
address, and DNS address.
You connect to the ISP only when a) ADSL parameters (VPI and
required. The IP address is
VCI) may be required, if they
usually allocated automatically.
cannot be detected automatically.
b) User name and password are
always required.
c) If using a Static (Fixed) IP
address, you need the IP address
and related information (Network
Mask, Gateway IP address, and
DNS address)
(IP over ATM)
Normally, the connection is
"Always on".
a) ADSL parameters (VPI and
VCI) may be required, if they
cannot be detected automatically.
b) IP Address allocated to you,
and related information, such as
Network Mask, Gateway IP
address, and DNS address.
FBR-1416 User Guide
Home Screen
After finishing the Setup Wizard, you will see the Home screen. When you connect in future,
you will see this screen when you connect. An example screen is shown below.
Figure 5: Home Screen
Main Menu
The main menu, on the left, contains links to the most-commonly used screen. To see the links
to the other available screens, click "Advanced" or "Administration".
The main menu also contains two (2) buttons:
Log Out - When finished, you should click this button to logout.
Restart - Use this if you wish to restart the FBR-1416. Note that restarting the Router will
break any existing connections to or through the Router.
Navigation & Data Input
Use the menu bar on the left of the screen, and the "Back" button on your Browser, for
Changing to another screen without clicking "Save" does NOT save any changes you may
have made. You must "Save" before changing screens or your data will be ignored.
On each screen, clicking the "Help" button will
display help for that screen.
Mode Screen
Use the Mode link on the main menu to reach the Mode screen. An example screen is shown
Figure 6: LAN Screen
Data - Mode Screen
Device Mode
This field displays the current name of this device.
Device Name
Subnet Mask
The default value is standard for small (class "C")
networks. For other networks, use the Subnet Mask for the LAN
segment to which the WBR-3407 is attached (the same value as the
PCs on that LAN segment).
Select the desired device mode for the router:
Device Mode
Router - Both the ADSL Modem and the Router features are
operational. In this mode, this device can provide shared Internet
Access to all your LAN users.
Modem - Only the ADSL Modem component is operational. All
Router features are disabled. This device is "transparent" - it does
not perform any operations or make any changes to the network
traffic passing through it.
Select the desired language for this user interface.
FBR-1416 User Guide
LAN Screen
Use the LAN link on the main menu to reach the LAN screen An example screen is shown
Figure 7: LAN Screen
Data - LAN Screen
IP address for the FBR-1416, as seen from the local LAN. Use the
default value unless the address is already in use or your LAN is using
a different IP address range. In the latter case, enter an unused IP
Address from within the range used by your LAN.
IP Address
The default value is standard for small (class "C")
networks. For other networks, use the Subnet Mask for the LAN
segment to which the FBR-1416 is attached (the same value as the PCs
on that LAN segment).
Subnet Mask
DHCP Server
If Enabled, the FBR-1416 will allocate IP Addresses to PCs
(DHCP clients) on your LAN when they start up. The default (and
recommended) value is Enabled.
If you are already using a DHCP Server, this setting must be
Disabled, and the existing DHCP server must be re-configured to
treat the FBR-1416 as the default Gateway. See the following sec-
tion for further details.
The Start IP Address and Finish IP Address fields set the values
used by the DHCP server when allocating IP Addresses to DHCP
clients. This range also determines the number of DHCP clients
See the following section for further details on using DHCP.
What DHCP Does
A DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Server allocates a valid IP address to a
DHCP Client (PC or device) upon request.
The client request is made when the client device starts up (boots).
The DHCP Server provides the Gateway and DNS addresses to the client, as well as
allocating an IP Address.
The FBR-1416 can act as a DHCP server.
Windows 95/98/ME and other non-Server versions of Windows will act as a DHCP
client. This is the default Windows setting for the TCP/IP network protocol. However,
Windows uses the term Obtain an IP Address automatically instead of "DHCP Client".
You must NOT have two (2) or more DHCP Servers on the same LAN segment. (If your
LAN does not have other Routers, this means there must only be one (1) DHCP Server on
your LAN.)
Using the FBR-1416's DHCP Server
This is the default setting. The DHCP Server settings are on the LAN screen. On this screen,
you can:
Enable or Disable the FBR-1416's DHCP Server function.
Set the range of IP Addresses allocated to PCs by the DHCP Server function.
You can assign Fixed IP Addresses to some devices
while using DHCP, provided that the Fixed IP Addresses
are NOT within the range used by the DHCP Server.
Using another DHCP Server
You can only use one (1) DHCP Server per LAN segment. If you wish to use another DHCP
Server, rather than the FBR-1416's, the following procedure is required.
1. Disable the DHCP Server feature in the FBR-1416. This setting is on the LAN screen.
2. Configure the DHCP Server to provide the FBR-1416's IP Address as the Default Gate-
To Configure your PCs to use DHCP
This is the default setting for TCP/IP for all non-Server versions of Windows.
See Chapter 4 - Client Configuration for the procedure to check these settings.
FBR-1416 User Guide
Password Screen
The password screen allows you to assign a password to the FBR-1416.
Figure 8: Password Screen
Old Password
New password
Enter the existing password in this field.
Enter the new password here.
Verify password Re-enter the new password here.
You will be prompted for the password when you connect, as shown below.
Figure 9: Password Dialog
The "User Name" is always admin
Enter the password for the FBR-1416, as set on the Password screen above.
Chapter 4
PC Configuration
This Chapter details the PC Configuration required on the local ("Internal")
For each PC, the following may need to be configured:
TCP/IP network settings
Internet Access configuration
Windows Clients
This section describes how to configure Windows clients for Internet access via the FBR-1416.
The first step is to check the PC's TCP/IP settings.
The FBR-1416 uses the TCP/IP network protocol for all functions, so it is essential that the
TCP/IP protocol be installed and configured on each PC.
TCP/IP Settings - Overview
If using the default FBR-1416 settings, and the default Windows TCP/IP
settings, no changes need to be made.
By default, the FBR-1416 will act as a DHCP Server, automatically providing a suitable
IP Address (and related information) to each PC when the PC boots.
For all non-Server versions of Windows, the default TCP/IP setting is to act as a DHCP
If using a Fixed (specified) IP address, the following changes are re-
The Gateway must be set to the IP address of the FBR-1416
The DNS should be set to the address provided by your ISP.
If your LAN has a Router, the LAN Administrator must re-
configure the Router itself. Refer to Chapter 8 - Ad-
vanced Setup for details.
FBR-1416 User Guide
Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windows 9x/ME:
1. Select Control Panel - Network. You should see a screen like the following:
Figure 10: Network Configuration
2. Select the TCP/IP protocol for your network card.
3. Click on the Properties button. You should then see a screen like the following.
Figure 11: IP Address (Win 95)
Ensure your TCP/IP settings are correct, as follows:
Using DHCP
To use DHCP, select the radio button Obtain an IP Address automatically. This is the default
Windows setting. Using this is recommended. By default, the FBR-1416 will act as a DHCP
Restart your PC to ensure it obtains an IP Address from the FBR-1416.
Using "Specify an IP Address"
If your PC is already configured, check with your network administrator before making the
following changes:
PC Configuration
On the Gateway tab, enter the FBR-1416's IP address in the New Gateway field and click
Add, as shown below. Your LAN administrator can advise you of the IP Address they as-
signed to the FBR-1416.
Figure 12: Gateway Tab (Win 95/98)
On the DNS Configuration tab, ensure Enable DNS is selected. If the DNS Server Search
Order list is empty, enter the DNS address provided by your ISP in the fields beside the
Add button, then click Add.
Figure 13: DNS Tab (Win 95/98)
FBR-1416 User Guide
Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windows NT4.0
1. Select Control Panel - Network, and, on the Protocols tab, select the TCP/IP protocol, as
shown below.
Figure 14: Windows NT4.0 - TCP/IP
2. Click the Properties button to see a screen like the one below.
PC Configuration
Figure 15: Windows NT4.0 - IP Address
3. Select the network card for your LAN.
4. Select the appropriate radio button - Obtain an IP address from a DHCP Server or Specify
an IP Address, as explained below.
Obtain an IP address from a DHCP Server
This is the default Windows setting. Using this is recommended. By default, the FBR-1416
will act as a DHCP Server.
Restart your PC to ensure it obtains an IP Address from the FBR-1416.
Specify an IP Address
If your PC is already configured, check with your network administrator before making the
following changes.
1. The Default Gateway must be set to the IP address of the FBR-1416. To set this:
Click the Advanced button on the screen above.
On the following screen, click the Add button in the Gateways panel, and enter the
FBR-1416's IP address, as shown in Figure 16 below.
If necessary, use the Up button to make the FBR-1416 the first entry in the Gateways
PC Configuration
Figure 17: Windows NT4.0 - DNS
FBR-1416 User Guide
Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windows 2000:
1. Select Control Panel - Network and Dial-up Connection.
2. Right - click the Local Area Connection icon and select Properties. You should see a
screen like the following:
Figure 18: Network Configuration (Win 2000)
3. Select the TCP/IP protocol for your network card.
4. Click on the Properties button. You should then see a screen like the following.
PC Configuration
Figure 19: TCP/IP Properties (Win 2000)
5. Ensure your TCP/IP settings are correct, as described below.
Using DHCP
To use DHCP, select the radio button Obtain an IP Address automatically. This is the default
Windows setting. Using this is recommended. By default, the FBR-1416 will act as a DHCP
Restart your PC to ensure it obtains an IP Address from the FBR-1416.
Using a fixed IP Address ("Use the following IP Address")
If your PC is already configured, check with your network administrator before making the
following changes.
Enter the FBR-1416's IP address in the Default gateway field and click OK. (Your LAN
administrator can advise you of the IP Address they assigned to the FBR-1416.)
If the DNS Server fields are empty, select Use the following DNS server addresses, and
enter the DNS address or addresses provided by your ISP, then click OK.
FBR-1416 User Guide
Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windows XP
1. Select Control Panel - Network Connection.
2. Right click the Local Area Connection and choose Properties. You should see a screen
like the following:
Figure 20: Network Configuration (Windows XP)
3. Select the TCP/IP protocol for your network card.
4. Click on the Properties button. You should then see a screen like the following.
PC Configuration
Figure 21: TCP/IP Properties (Windows XP)
5. Ensure your TCP/IP settings are correct.
Using DHCP
To use DHCP, select the radio button Obtain an IP Address automatically. This is the default
Windows setting. Using this is recommended. By default, the FBR-1416 will act as a DHCP
Restart your PC to ensure it obtains an IP Address from the FBR-1416.
Using a fixed IP Address ("Use the following IP Address")
If your PC is already configured, check with your network administrator before making the
following changes.
In the Default gateway field, enter the FBR-1416's IP address and click OK. Your LAN
administrator can advise you of the IP Address they assigned to the FBR-1416.
If the DNS Server fields are empty, select Use the following DNS server addresses, and
enter the DNS address or addresses provided by your ISP, then click OK.
FBR-1416 User Guide
Internet Access
To configure your PCs to use the FBR-1416 for Internet access:
Ensure that the DSL modem, Cable modem, or other permanent connection is functional.
Use the following procedure to configure your Browser to access the Internet via the
LAN, rather than by a Dial-up connection.
For Windows 9x/ME/2000
1. Select Start Menu - Settings - Control Panel - Internet Options.
2. Select the Connection tab, and click the Setup button.
3. Select "I want to set up my Internet connection manually, or I want to connect through a
local area network (LAN)" and click Next.
4. Select "I connect through a local area network (LAN)" and click Next.
5. Ensure all of the boxes on the following Local area network Internet Configuration screen
are unchecked.
6. Check the "No" option when prompted "Do you want to set up an Internet mail account
7. Click Finish to close the Internet Connection Wizard.
Setup is now completed.
For Windows XP
1. Select Start Menu - Control Panel - Network and Internet Connections.
2. Select Set up or change your Internet Connection.
3. Select the Connection tab, and click the Setup button.
4. Cancel the pop-up "Location Information" screen.
5. Click Next on the "New Connection Wizard" screen.
6. Select "Connect to the Internet" and click Next.
7. Select "Set up my connection manually" and click Next.
8. Check "Connect using a broadband connection that is always on" and click Next.
9. Click Finish to close the New Connection Wizard.
Setup is now completed.
Accessing AOL
To access AOL (America On Line) through the FBR-1416, the AOL for Windows software
must be configured to use TCP/IP network access, rather than a dial-up connection. The
configuration process is as follows:
Start the AOL for Windows communication software. Ensure that it is Version 2.5, 3.0 or
later. This procedure will not work with earlier versions.
Click the Setup button.
Select Create Location, and change the location name from "New Locality" to "FBR-
Click Edit Location. Select TCP/IP for the Network field. (Leave the Phone Number
Click Save, then OK.
Configuration is now complete.
Before clicking "Sign On", always ensure that you are using the "FBR-1416" location.
PC Configuration
Macintosh Clients
From your Macintosh, you can access the Internet via the FBR-1416. The procedure is as
1. Open the TCP/IP Control Panel.
2. Select Ethernet from the Connect via pop-up menu.
3. Select Using DHCP Server from the Configure pop-up menu. The DHCP Client ID field
can be left blank.
4. Close the TCP/IP panel, saving your settings.
If using manually assigned IP addresses instead of DHCP, the required changes are:
Set the Router Address field to the FBR-1416's IP Address.
Ensure your DNS settings are correct.
Linux Clients
To access the Internet via the FBR-1416, it is only necessary to set the FBR-1416 as the
Ensure you are logged in as "root" before attempting any changes.
Fixed IP Address
By default, most Unix installations use a fixed IP Address. If you wish to continue using a
fixed IP Address, make the following changes to your configuration.
Set your "Default Gateway" to the IP Address of the FBR-1416.
Ensure your DNS (Name server) settings are correct.
To act as a DHCP Client (recommended)
The procedure below may vary according to your version of Linux and X -windows shell.
1. Start your X Windows client.
2. Select Control Panel - Network
3. Select the "Interface" entry for your Network card. Normally, this will be called "eth0".
4. Click the Edit button, set the "protocol" to "DHCP", and save this data.
5. To apply your changes
Use the "Deactivate" and "Activate" buttons, if available.
OR, restart your system.
Other Unix Systems
To access the Internet via the FBR-1416:
Ensure the "Gateway" field for your network card is set to the IP Address of the FBR-
Ensure your DNS (Name Server) settings are correct.
Chapter 5
Operation and Status
This Chapter details the operation of the FBR-1416 and the status screens.
Once both the FBR-1416 and the PCs are configured, operation is automatic.
However, there are some situations where additional Internet configuration may be required.
Refer to Chapter 6 - Advanced Features for further details.
Status Screen
Use the Status link on the main menu to view this screen.
Figure 22: Status Screen
Data - Status Screen
This indicates the status of the ADSL modem component.
Modem Status
If connected, displays the speed for the DownStream (download)
ADSL Connection.
Connection Speed
If connected, displays the speed for the UpStream (upload) ADSL
Connection Speed
Operation and Status
This indicates the current connection method, as set in the Setup
Connection Method
Internet Connection
This indicates the current status of the Internet Connection
Connected - Connection exists
Not connected - No current connection established.
Negotiation - The connection is being established.
You can click the "Connection Details" button to find out more
This IP Address is allocated by the ISP (Internet Service Pro-
vider). If using a dynamic IP address, and no connection currently
exists, this information is unavailable.
Internet IP Address
The IP Address of the FBR-1416.
IP Address
Network Mask
DHCP Server
The Network Mask (Subnet Mask) for the IP Address above.
This shows the status of the DHCP Server function. The value
will be "Enabled" or "Disabled".
This shows the MAC Address for the FBR-1416, as seen on the
LAN interface.
MAC Address
The current name of the FBR-1416. This is also the "hostname"
provided to ISPs who request this information.
Device Name
The version of the current firmware installed.
Firmware Version
Click this button to open a sub-window and view a detailed
description of the current connection. Depending on the type of
connection, a "log" may also be available.
Connection Details
This will open a sub-window, showing all LAN devices currently
on the network.
Attached Devices
Refresh Screen
Update the data displayed on screen.
FBR-1416 User Guide
Connection Status - PPPoE & PPPoA
If using PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) or PPPoA (PPP over ATM), a screen like the following
example will be displayed when the "Connection Details" button is clicked.
Figure 23: PPPoE/PPPoA Status Screen
Data – PPPoE/PPPoA Screen
This indicates how long the current connection has been estab-
Connection Time
This indicates whether or not the connection is currently estab-
PPPoE Link Status
If the connection does not exist, the "Connect" button can be
used to establish a connection.
If the connection currently exists, the "Disconnect" button
can be used to break the connection.
This indicates the status of the PPPoE Server login.
IP Address
The IP Address of this device, as seen by Internet users. This
address is allocated by your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
The Network Mask associated with the IP Address above.
Network Mask
If not connected, establish a connection to your ISP.
If connected to your ISP, hang up the connection.
Close this window.
Operation and Status
Connection Details - Dynamic IP Address
If your access method is "Direct" (no login), with a Dynamic IP address, a screen like the
following example will be displayed when the "Connection Details" button is clicked.
Figure 24: Connection Details - Dynamic IP Address
Data - Dynamic IP address
The current IP Address of this device, as seen by Internet users. This
address is allocated by your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
IP Address
The Network Mask associated with the IP Address above.
Network Mask
The IP address of the remote Gateway or Router associated with the
IP Address above.
Default Gateway
The IP address of your ISP's DHCP Server.
DHCP Server
DNS Server
The IP address of the Domain Name Server which is currently used.
This indicates when the current IP address was obtained, and how
long before this IP address allocation (the DCHP lease) expires.
Lease Obtained
Lease Expires
If an IP Address has been allocated to the FBR-1416 (by the ISP's
DHCP Server, clicking the "Release" button will break the connec-
tion and release the IP Address.
If the ISP's DHCP Server has NOT allocated an IP Address for the
FBR-1416, clicking the "Renew" button will attempt to re-establish
the connection and obtain an IP Address from the ISP's DHCP
Close this window.
FBR-1416 User Guide
Connection Details - Fixed IP Address
If your access method is "Direct" (no login), with a fixed IP address, a screen like the follow-
ing example will be displayed when the "Connection Details" button is clicked.
Figure 25: Connection Details - Fixed/Dynamic IP Address
Data - Fixed IP address Screen
The IP Address of this device, as seen by Internet users. This address
is allocated by your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
IP Address
The Network Mask associated with the IP Address above.
Network Mask
The IP Address of the remote Gateway or Router associated with the
IP Address above.
Default Gateway
The IP Address of the Domain Name Server which is currently used.
DNS Server
Chapter 6
Advanced Features
This Chapter explains when and how to use the FBR-1416's "Advanced" Fea-
The following advanced features are provided:
Advanced Internet
URL filter
Dynamic DNS
Firewall Rules
Firewall Services
Virtual Servers
This screen provides access to the DMZ and URL Filter features.
Figure 26: Advanced Internet Screen
This feature, if enabled, allows the DMZ computer on your LAN to be exposed to all users on
the Internet.
This allows almost any application to be used on the "DMZ PC".
The "DMZ PC" will receive all "Unknown" connections and data.
If the DMZ feature is enabled, you must select the PC to be used as the "DMZ PC".
The "DMZ PC" is effectively outside the Firewall, mak-
ing it more vulnerable to attacks. For this reason, you
should only enable the DMZ feature when required.
FBR-1416 User Guide
URL Filter
If you want to limit access to certain sites on the Internet, you can use this feature. The URL
filter will check each Web site access. If the address, or part of the address, is included in the
block site list, access will be denied.
On the Advanced Internet screen, select the desired setting:
Disable - disable this feature.
Block By Schedule - block according to the settings on the Schedule page.
Block Always - allow blocking all of the time, independent of the Schedule page.
Click the Configure URL Filter button to open the URL Filter screen, allowing you to create
or modify the filter strings which determine which sites will be blocked.
URL Filter Screen
This screen is displayed when the Configure URL Filter button on the Advanced Internet
screen is clicked.
Figure 27: URL Filter Screen
Data - URL Filter Screen
Current Filter Strings
The list contains the current list of items to block.
Current Filter
To add to the list, use the "Add" option below.
To delete an entry, select it and click Delete button.
To delete all entries, click the Delete All button.
To add to the current list, type the word or domain name you want to
Add Filter String
block into the field provided, then click the Add button.
Filter strings should be as specific as possible. Otherwise, you may
block access to many more sites than intended.
Advanced Features
Trusted PC
Enable this to allow one computer to have unrestricted access to the
Allow Trusted
Internet. For this PC, the URL filter will be ignored.
If enabled, you must select the PC to be the trusted PC.
Select the PC to be the Trusted PC.
Trusted PC
Dynamic DNS (Domain Name Server)
This free service is very useful when combined with the Virtual Server feature. It allows
Internet users to connect to your Virtual Servers using a URL, rather than an IP Address.
This also solves the problem of having a dynamic IP address. With a dynamic IP address, your
IP address may change whenever you connect, which makes it difficult to connect to you.
The DynDNS Service works as follows:
password will be E-mailed to you.
desired Domain name.
4. The FBR-1416 will then automatically ensure that your current IP Address is recorded at
5. From the Internet, users will be able to connect to your Virtual Servers (or DMZ PC)
using your Domain name, as shown on this screen.
FBR-1416 User Guide
Dynamic DNS Screen
Select Advanced on the main menu, then Dynamic DNS, to see a screen like the following:
Figure 28: DDNS Screen
Data - Dynamic DNS Screen
DDNS Service
Use this to enable or disable the DDNS feature as required.
Use a Dynamic
DNS Service
Service Provider
Host Name
Select the desired DDNS Service provider.
Enter the domain name allocated to you by the DDNS Service. If you
have more than one name, enter the name you wish to use.
Enter your Username for the DDNS Service.
User Name
Enter your current password for the DDNS Service.
This message is returned by the DDNS Server
DDNS Status
Normally, this message should be "Update successful"
If the message is "No host", this indicates the host name entered
was not allocated to you. You need to connect to DDNS Service
provider and correct this problem.
Advanced Features
Firewall Rules
The Firewall Rules screen allows you to define "Firewall Rules" which can allow or prevent
certain traffic.
By default:
All Outgoing traffic is permitted.
All Incoming traffic is denied.
"Traffic" means incoming connection attempts, not packets.
Because of this default behavior, any Outgoing rules will generally Block traffic, and Incom-
ing rules will generally Allow traffic.
Firewall Rules Screen
An example screen is shown below.
Figure 29 Firewall Screen
Data – Firewall Rules
Incoming Rules
For the default rule, this will display "Default".
For rules which you create, this will display a radio button which
allows you to select the rule.
Indicates whether or not the rule is currently enabled.
For rules you have added, this column will contain a checkbox,
allowing you to easily enable or disable the rule. (Click "Save" after
making any changes.)
The Service covered by this rule.
Service Name
The action performed on connections which are covered by this rule.
The PC or Server on your LAN to which traffic covered by this rule
will be sent.
LAN Server IP
FBR-1416 User Guide
The WAN IP address or addresses covered by this rule.
WAN Users
Indicates whether or not connections covered by this rule should be
Use the Add button to create a new rule.
The other buttons - Edit, Move, or Delete - require that a rule be
selected first. Use the radio buttons in the left column to select the
desired rule.
Outgoing Rules
For the default rule, this will display "Default".
For rules which you create, this will display a radio button which
allows you to select the rule.
Indicates whether or not the rule is currently enabled.
For rules you have added, this column will contain a checkbox,
allowing you to easily enable or disable the rule. (Click "Save" after
making any changes.)
The Service covered by this rule.
Service Name
The action performed on connections which are covered by this rule.
The LAN PC or PCs covered by this rule.
LAN Users
WAN Servers
The WAN IP address or addresses covered by this rule.
Indicates whether or not connections covered by this rule should be
Use the Add button to create a new rule.
The other buttons - Edit, Move, or Delete - require that a rule be
selected first. Use the radio buttons in the left column to select the
desired rule.
Advanced Features
Incoming Rules
This screen is displayed when the "Add" or "Edit" button for Incoming Rules is clicked.
Figure 30: Inbound Services Screen
Data – Incoming Rules Screen
Inbound Services
Select the desired Service. This determines which packets are covered by
this rule. If necessary, you can define a new Service on the "Services"
screen, by defining the protocols and port numbers used by the Service.
Select the desired action for packets covered by this rule:
ALLOW always
ALLOW by schedule, otherwise Block
BLOCK always
BLOCK by schedule, otherwise Allow
Any inbound traffic which is not allowed by rules you create will be
blocked by the Default rule.
BLOCK rules are only useful if the traffic is already covered by an
ALLOW rule. (That is, you wish to block a sub-set of traffic which
is currently allowed by another rule.)
To define the Schedule used in these selections, use the "Schedule"
Select the PC or Server on your LAN which will receive the inbound
traffic covered by this rule.
Send to
LAN Server
These settings determine which packets are covered by the rule, based
on their source (WAN) IP address. Select the desired option:
WAN Users
Any - All IP addresses are covered by this rule.
Address range - If this option is selected, you must enter the
desired values in the "Single/Start" and "Finish" fields to determine
the address range.
Single address - Enter the required address in the "Single/Start"
FBR-1416 User Guide
This determines whether packets covered by this rule are logged. Select
the desired action.
Always - always log traffic considered by this rule, whether it
matches or not. (This is useful when debugging your rules.)
Never - never log traffic considered by this rule, whether it matches
or not.
Match - Log traffic only it matches this rule. (The action is deter-
mined by this rule.)
Not Match - Log traffic which is considered by this rule, but does
not match (The action is NOT determined by this rule.)
Outgoing Rules
This screen is displayed when the "Add" or "Edit" button for Outgoing Rules is clicked.
Figure 31: Outbound Services Screen
Data - Outbound Rules Screen
Outbound Services
Select the desired Service or application to be covered by this rule. If the
desired service or application does not appear in the list, you must define
it using the Services menu.
Select the desired action for packets covered by this rule:
BLOCK always
BLOCK by schedule, otherwise Allow
ALLOW always
ALLOW by schedule, otherwise Block
Any outbound traffic which is not blocked by rules you create will
be allowed by the Default rule.
ALLOW rules are only useful if the traffic is already covered by a
BLOCK rule. (That is, you wish to allow a subset of traffic which is
currently blocked by another rule.)
Advanced Features
To define the Schedule used in these selections, use the "Schedule"
Select the desired option to determine which PCs are covered by this
LAN Users
Any - All PCs are covered by this rule.
Single PC - Only the selected PC is covered by this rule.
If selected, you must select the PC.
PC - If using Single PC above, select the PC or Server on your LAN
which will be covered by this rule.
These settings determine which packets are covered by the rule, based
on their source (WAN) IP address. Select the desired option:
WAN Users
Any - All IP addresses are covered by this rule.
Address range - If this option is selected, you must enter the "Start"
and "Finish" fields.
Single address - Enter the required address in the "Single/Start"
This determines whether packets covered by this rule are logged. Select
the desired action.
Always - always log traffic considered by this rule, whether it
matches or not. (This is useful when debugging your rules.)
Never - never log traffic considered by this rule, whether it matches
or not.
Match - Log traffic only it matches this rule. (The action is deter-
mined by this rule.)
Not Match - Log traffic which is considered by this rule, but does
not match (The action is NOT determined by this rule.)
FBR-1416 User Guide
Firewall Services
This screen is used to modify the list of Services which are available when creating Firewall
Figure 32: Services Screen
Data – Services
This lists all defined Services.
Services List
Use this to open a sub-screen where you can add a new service.
To modify a service, select it, and then click this button.
Pre-defined Services can not be deleted, but you can use this button
to delete any services you have defined.
Advanced Features
Add/Edit Service
This screen is displayed when the Add or Edit button on the Services screen is clicked.
Figure 33 : Add/Edit Service
Data – Add/Edit Service
If editing, this shows the current name of the Service.
If adding a new service, this will be blank, and you should enter a
suitable name.
Select the protocol used by the Service.
Enter the beginning of the port range used by the Service.
Enter the end of the port range used by the Service.
Start Port
Finish Port
FBR-1416 User Guide
This screen allows advanced users to enter or change a number of settings. For normal opera-
tion, there is no need to use this screen or change any settings.
An example Options screen is shown below.
Figure 34: Options Screen
Data - Options Screen
Respond to Ping
If checked, the Wireless Router will respond to Ping (ICMP)
packets received from the Internet.
If not checked, Ping (ICMP) packets from the Internet will be
ignored. Disabling this option provides a slight increase in secu-
Enter a value between 1 and 1500.
MTU Size
Note: MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) size should only be
changed if advised to do so by Technical Support.
Enable UPnP
UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) allows automatic discovery and
configuration of equipment attached to your LAN. UPnP is by
supported Windows ME, XP, or later.
If Enabled, this device will be visible via UPnP.
If Disabled, this device will not be visible via UPnP.
Enter the desired value, in minutes. The valid range is from 1 to 1440.
Enter the desired value, in hops. The valid range is from 1 to 255.
Time to Live
Advanced Features
This Schedule can be used for the Firewall Rules and the URL filter.
Figure 35: Default Schedule Screen
Data – Default Schedule Screen
Use these checkboxes to select the desired days.
Sunday, Mon-
Enter the start using a 24 hr clock.
Start Time
End Time
Time Zone
Time Zone
Enter the finish time using a 24 hr clock.
In order to display your local time correctly, you must select your
"Time Zone" from the list.
If your region uses Daylight Savings Time, you must manually check
"Adjust for Daylight Savings Time" at the beginning of the adjust-
ment period, and uncheck it at the end of the Daylight Savings
Adjust for Day-
light Savings Time
If you prefer to use a particular NTP server as the primary server,
check the checkbox "Use this NTP Server" and enter the Server's IP
address in the fields provided..
Use this NTP
If this setting is not enabled, the default NTP Servers are used.
FBR-1416 User Guide
This displays the current time on the FBR-1416.
Current Time
Virtual Servers
This feature, sometimes called Port Forwarding, allows you to make Servers on your LAN
accessible to Internet users. Normally, Internet users would not be able to access a server on
your LAN because:
Your Server does not have a valid external IP Address.
Attempts to connect to devices on your LAN are blocked by the firewall in this device.
The "Virtual Server" feature solves these problems and allows Internet users to connect to your
servers, as illustrated below.
Figure 36: Virtual Servers
IP Address seen by Internet Users
Note that, in this illustration, both Internet users are connecting to the same IP Address, but
using different protocols.
To Internet users, all virtual Servers on your LAN have the same IP Address.
This IP Address is allocated by your ISP.
This address should be static, rather than dynamic, to make it easier for Internet users to
connect to your Servers.
However, you can use the DDNS (Dynamic DNS) feature to allow users to connect to your
Virtual Servers using a URL, instead of an IP Address.
Virtual Servers Screen
The "Virtual Servers" feature allows Internet Users to access PCs on your LAN.
The PCs must be running the appropriate Server Software.
For Internet Users, ALL of your Servers have the same IP address. This IP address is
allocated by your ISP.
To make it easier for Internet users to connect to your Servers, you can use the "DDNS"
feature. This allows Internet users to connect to your Servers with a URL, rather than an
Advanced Features
IP address. This technology works even if your ISP allocates dynamic IP addresses (IP
address is allocated upon connection, so it may change each time you connect).
Figure 37: Virtual Servers Screen
Data - Virtual Servers Screen
This lists a number of common Server types. If the desired Server
type is not listed, you can create a Firewall Rule to achieve the
same effect as the Virtual Server function.
Use this to Enable or Disable support for this Server, as required.
If Enabled, you must select the PC to which this traffic will be sent.
Select the PC for this Server. The PC must be running the appro-
priate Server software.
PC (Server)
For each entry, the PC must be running the appropri-
ate Server software.
If the desired Server type is not listed, you can define
your own Servers, using the Firewall Rules.
Connecting to the Virtual Servers
Once configured, anyone on the Internet can connect to your Virtual Servers. They must use
the Internet IP Address (the IP Address allocated to you by your ISP).
It is more convenient if you are using a Fixed IP Address from your ISP, rather than Dynamic.
However, you can use the Dynamic DNS feature, described in the following section, to allow
users to connect to your Virtual Servers using a URL, rather than an IP Address.
FBR-1416 User Guide
From the Internet, ALL Virtual Servers have
the IP Address allocated by your ISP
Chapter 7
Advanced Administration
This Chapter explains the settings available via the "Administration" section
of the menu.
Normally, it is not necessary to use these screens, or change any settings. These screens and
settings are provided to deal with non-standard situations, or to provide additional options for
advanced users.
The available settings and features are:
This is the list of PCs shown when you select the "DMZ PC" or a "Vir-
tual Server". This database is maintained automatically, but you can add
and delete entries for PCs which use a Fixed (Static) IP Address.
PC Database
Config File
Backup or restore the configuration file for the FBR-1416. This file
contains all the configuration data.
View or clear all logs, set E-Mailing of log files and alerts.
View or clear all logs, set E-Mailing of log files and alerts.
Perform a Ping or DNS Lookup.
Remote Admin
Allow settings to be changed from the Internet..
Only required if your LAN has other Routers or Gateways.
Upgrade the Firmware (software) installed in your FBR-1416.
FBR-1416 User Guide
PC Database
The PC Database is used whenever you need to select a PC (e.g. for the "DMZ" PC).
It eliminates the need to enter IP addresses.
Also, you do not need to use fixed IP addresses on your LAN.
However, if you do use a fixed IP address on some devices on your LAN, you should enter
details of each such device into the PC database, using the PC Database screen.
PC Database Screen
An example PC Database screen is shown below.
Figure 38: PC Database
PCs which are "DHCP Clients" are automatically added to the database, and updated as
By default, non-Server versions of Windows act as "DHCP Clients"; this setting is called
"Obtain an IP Address automatically".
The FBR-1416 uses the "Hardware Address" to identify each PC, not the name or IP
address. The "Hardware Address" can only change if you change the PC's network card or
This system means you do NOT need to use Fixed (static) IP addresses on your LAN.
However, you can add PCs using Fixed (static) IP Addresses to the PC database if re-
Advanced Administration
Data - PC Database Screen
This lists all current entries. Data displayed is name (IP Address) type.
Known PCs
The "type" indicates whether the PC is connected to the LAN.
If adding a new PC to the list, enter its name here. It is best if this
matches the PC's "hostname".
Enter the IP Address of the PC. The PC will be sent a "ping" to deter-
mine its hardware address. If the PC is not available (not connected, or
not powered On) you will not be able to add it.
IP Address
This will add the new PC to the list. The PC will be sent a "ping" to
determine its hardware address. If the PC is not available (not con-
nected, or not powered On) you will not be able to add it.
Delete the selected PC from the list. This should be done in 2 situa-
The PC has been removed from your LAN.
The entry is incorrect.
Update the data on screen.
Display a read-only list showing full details of all entries in the PC
Generate Report
View the Advanced version of the PC database screen - PC Database
(Admin). See below for details.
FBR-1416 User Guide
PC Database (Admin)
This screen is displayed if the "Advanced Administration" button on the PC Database is
clicked. It provides more control than the standard PC Database screen.
Figure 39: PC Database (Admin)
Data - PC Database ( Admin) Screen
This lists all current entries. Data displayed is name (IP Address) type.
Known PCs
The "type" indicates whether the PC is connected to the LAN.
PC Properties
If adding a new PC to the list, enter its name here. It is best if this
matches the PC's "hostname".
Select the appropriate option:
IP Address
Automatic - The PC is set to be a DHCP client (Windows: "Ob-
tain an IP address automatically"). The FBR-1416 will allocate an
IP address to this PC when requested to do so. The IP address
could change, but normally won't.
DCHP Client - Reserved IP Address - Select this if the PC is set
to be a DCHP client, and you wish to guarantee that the FBR-1416
will always allocate the same IP Address to this PC.
Enter the required IP address.
Fixed IP Address - Select this if the PC is using a Fixed (Static)
IP address. Enter the IP address allocated to the PC. (The PC itself
must be configured to use this IP address.)
Advanced Administration
Select the appropriate option
MAC Address
Automatic discovery - Select this to have the FBR-1416 contact
the PC and find its MAC address. This is only possible if the PC is
connected to the LAN and powered On.
MAC address is - Enter the MAC address on the PC. The MAC
address is also called the "Hardware Address", "Physical Ad-
dress", or "Network Adapter Address". The FBR-1416 uses this to
provide a unique identifier for each PC. Because of this, the MAC
address can NOT be left blank.
Add a new PC to the list, using the data in the "Properties" box.
If "Automatic discovery" (for MAC address) is selected, the PC will be
sent a "ping" to determine its hardware address. This will fail unless
the PC is connected to the LAN, and powered on.
Add as New
Update (modify) the selected PC, using the data in the "Properties"
Update Selected
Clear the "Properties" box, ready for entering data for a new PC.
Update the data on screen.
Clear Form
Display a read-only list showing full details of all entries in the PC
Generate Report
Standard Screen Click this to view the standard PC Database screen.
FBR-1416 User Guide
Config File
This feature allows you to download the current settings from the FBR-1416, and save them to
a file on your PC.
You can restore a previously-downloaded configuration file to the FBR-1416, by uploading it
to the FBR-1416.
This screen also allows you to set the FBR-1416 back to its factory default configuration. Any
existing settings will be deleted.
An example Config File screen is shown below.
Figure 40: Config File Screen
Data - Config File Screen
Use this to download a copy of the current configuration, and store the
Backup Config
file on your PC. Click Download to start the download.
This allows you to restore a previously-saved configuration file back to
the FBR-1416.
Restore Config
Click Browse to select the configuration file, then click Restore to
upload the configuration file.
Uploading a configuration file will destroy (overwrite) ALL of the
existing settings.
Clicking the Factory-e Defaults button will reset the FBR-1416 to its
Default Config
factory default settings.
This will delete ALL of the existing settings.
Advanced Administration
The Logs record various types of activity on the FBR-1416. This data is useful for trouble-
shooting, but enabling all logs will generate a large amount of data and adversely affect
Since only a limited amount of log data can be stored in the FBR-1416, log data can also be E-
mailed to your PC. Use the E-mail screen to configure this feature.
Figure 41: Logs Screen
Data - Logs Screen
The current time on the FBR-1416 is displayed.
Current log data is displayed in this panel.
There are three (3) buttons
Current Time
Log Data
Refresh - Update the log data.
Clear Log - Clear the log, and restart it. This makes new
messages easier to read.
Send Log - E-mail the log immediately. This is only func-
tional if the E-mail screen has been configured.
FBR-1416 User Guide
Use these checkboxes to determine which events are included in
the log. Checking all options will increase the size of the log, so it
is good practice to disable any events which are not really re-
Include (Checkboxes)
Attempted access to blocked sites - If checked, attempted
Internet accesses which were blocked are logged.
Connections to the Web-based interface of this Router - If
checked, this will log connections TO this Router, rather than
through this Router to the Internet.
Router operation - If checked, other Router operations (not
covered by the selections above) will be logged.
Known DoS attacks and Port Scans - If checked, Denial of
Service attacks, as well as port scans, will be logged.
Data is not sent to a Syslog Server.
The Syslog data is broadcast, rather than sent to a specific Syslog
server. Use this if your Syslog Server does not have a fixed IP
Broadcast on LAN
If your Syslog server has a fixed IP address, select this option,
and enter the IP address of your Syslog server.
Send to this Syslog
Server IP Address
Advanced Administration
This screen allows you to E-mail Logs and Alerts. A sample screen is shown below.
Figure 42: E-mail Screen
Data – E-mail Screen
E-Mail Notification
Check this box to enable this feature. If enabled, the E-mail address
information (below) must be provided.
Send Alerts and
Logs Via E-mail
Enter the E-mail address the Log is to be sent to. The E-mail will also
show this address as the Sender's address.
Send to this E-
mail address
Enter the address or IP address of the SMTP (Simple Mail Transport
Protocol) Server you use for outgoing E-mail.
Outgoing Mail
E-mail Alerts
You can choose to have alerts E-mailed to you, by checking the
desired checkboxes. The FBR-1416 can send an immediate alert
when it detects a significant security incident such as
Send E-mail alerts
A known hacker attack is directed at your IP address
A computer on the Internet scans your IP address for open ports
Someone on your LAN (Local Area Network) tries to visit a
blocked site.
FBR-1416 User Guide
E-mail Logs
Select the desired option for sending the log by E-mail.
Send Logs
Never (default) - This feature is disabled; Logs are not sent.
When log is full - The time is not fixed. The log will be sent
when the log is full, which will depend on the volume of traffic.
Hourly, Daily, Weekly... - The log is sent on the interval speci-
If "Daily" is selected, the log is sent at the time specified.
If the day is specified, the log is sent once per week, on the
specified day.
Select the time of day you wish the E-mail to be sent.
If the log is full before the time specified to send it, it will be
sent regardless.
Advanced Administration
Network Diagnostics
This screen allows you to perform a "Ping" or a "DNS lookup". These activities can be useful
in solving network problems.
An example Network Diagnostics screen is shown below.
Figure 43: Network Diagnostics Screen
Data - Network Diagnostics Screen
Enter the IP address you wish to ping. The IP address can be on your
LAN, or on the Internet. Note that if the address is on the Internet,
and no connection currently exists, you could get a "Timeout" error.
In that case, wait a few seconds and try again.
IP Address
After entering the IP address, click this button to start the "Ping"
Ping Button
procedure. The results will be displayed in the Ping Results pane.
DNS Lookup
Enter the Domain name or URL for which you want a DNS (Domain
Name Server) lookup. Note that if the address in on the Internet, and
no connection currently exists, you could get a "Timeout" error. In
that case, wait a few seconds and try again.
Internet name
After entering the Domain name/URL, click this button to start the
"DNS Lookup" procedure.
Lookup Button
Click this button to display the internal routing table. This informa-
tion can be used by Technical Support and other staff who
understand Routing Tables.
FBR-1416 User Guide
Remote Administration
If enabled, this feature allows you to manage the FBR-1416 via the Internet.
Figure 44: Remote Administration Screen
Data - Remote Administration Screen
Remote Administration
Check to allow administration/management via the Internet. (To
connect, see below).
Enable Remote
If Disabled, this device will ignore Administration connection
attempts from the Internet.
This is the current address you will use when accessing this device
from the Internet. To connect, see details and an example below.
IP Address
Enter a port number between 1024 and 65535. The default for HTTP
(Web) connections is port 80, but using port 80 will prevent the use
of a Web "Virtual Server" on your LAN. So using a different port
number is recommended. The default value is 8080.
Port Number
The port number must be specified in your Browser when you
connect, as detailed above.
Access Permission
Select the desired option.
Allow Remote
Only This Computer - allow access by only one IP address.
Enter the desired IP address.
IP Address Range - allow access from a range of IP addresses
on the Internet. Enter a beginning and ending IP address to de-
fine the allowed range.
Everyone - allow access by everyone on the Internet.
For security, you should restrict access to as few external IP ad-
dresses as practical.
Advanced Administration
To connect from a remote PC via the Internet
1. Ensure your Internet connection is established, and start your Web Browser.
2. In the "Address" bar, enter "HTTP://" followed by the Internet IP Address of the FBR-
1416. If the port number is not 80, the port number is also required. (After the IP Address,
enter ":" followed by the port number.)
This example assumes the WAN IP Address is, and the port number is
3. You will then be prompted for the login name and password for this device.
FBR-1416 User Guide
If you don't have other Routers or Gateways on your LAN, you can ignore the "Routing"
page completely.
If the FBR-1416 is only acting as a Gateway for the local LAN segment, ignore the
"Routing" page even if your LAN has other Routers.
If your LAN has a standard Router (e.g. Cisco) on your LAN, and the FBR-1416 is to act
as a Gateway for all LAN segments, enable RIP (Routing Information Protocol) and ig-
nore the Static Routing table.
If your LAN has other Gateways and Routers, and you wish to control which LAN seg-
ments use each Gateway, do NOT enable RIP (Routing Information Protocol). Configure
the Static Routing table instead. (You also need to configure the other Routers.)
If using Windows 2000 Data center Server as a software Router, enable RIP on the FBR-
1416, and ensure the following Windows 2000 settings are correct:
Open Routing and Remote Access
In the console tree, select Routing and Remote Access , [server name], IP Routing,
In the "Details" pane, right-click the interface you want to configure for RIP version
2, and then click "Properties".
On the "General" tab, set Outgoing packet protocol to "RIP version 2 broadcast", and
Incoming packet protocol to "RIP version 1 and 2".
Routing Screen
The routing table is accessed by the Routing link on the Administration menu.
Using this Screen
Generally, you will use either RIP (Routing Information Protocol) OR the Static Routing
Table, as explained above, although is it possible to use both methods simultaneously.
Static Routing Table
If RIP is not used, an entry in the routing table is required for each LAN segment on your
Network, other than the segment to which this device is attached.
The other Routers must also be configured. See Configuring Other Routers on your LAN
later in this chapter for further details and an example.
Advanced Administration
Figure 45: Routing Screen
Data - Routing Screen
Select the desired RIP Direction.
RIP Direction
RIP Version
Choose the RIP Version for the Server.
Static Routing
This list shows all entries in the Routing Table.
Static Routing
Table Entries
This area shows details of the selected item in the list.
Change any the properties as required, then click the "Edit"
button to save the changes to the selected entry.
Add a new entry to the Static Routing table, using the data shown in
the "Properties" area on screen. The entry selected in the list is
ignored, and has no effect.
Update the current Static Routing Table entry, using the data shown
in the table area on screen.
Delete the current Static Routing Table entry.
Save the RIP setting. This has no effect on the Static Routing Table.
Configuring Other Routers on your LAN
It is essential that all IP packets for devices not on the local LAN be passed to the FBR-1416,
so that they can be forwarded to the external LAN, WAN, or Internet. To achieve this, the
local LAN must be configured to use the FBR-1416 as the Default Route or Default Gateway.
Local Router
The local router is the Router installed on the same LAN segment as the FBR-1416. This
router requires that the Default Route is the FBR-1416 itself. Typically, routers have a special
entry for the Default Route. It should be configured as follows.
FBR-1416 User Guide
Normally, but check your router documentation.
Normally, but check your router documentation.
The IP Address of the FBR-1416.
Destination IP Address
Network Mask
Gateway IP Address
Other Routers on the Local LAN
Other routers on the local LAN must use the FBR-1416's Local Router as the Default Route.
The entries will be the same as the FBR-1416's local router, with the exception of the Gateway
IP Address.
For a router with a direct connection to the FBR-1416's local Router, the Gateway IP
Address is the address of the FBR-1416's local router.
For routers which must forward packets to another router before reaching the FBR-1416's
local router, the Gateway IP Address is the address of the intermediate router.
Static Routing - Example
Router A
Segment 1
Segment 0
Router B
Segment 2
Figure 46: Routing Example
For the FBR-1416's Routing Table
For the LAN shown above, with 2 routers and 3 LAN segments, the FBR-1416 requires 2
entries as follows.
Entry 1 (Segment 1)
Destination IP Address
Network Mask (Standard Class C)
Gateway IP Address (FBR-1416's local Router)
Entry 2 (Segment 2)
Destination IP Address
Network Mask
Gateway IP Address
Metric (Standard Class C)
Advanced Administration
For Router A's Default Route
Destination IP Address
Network Mask
Gateway IP Address (FBR-1416's IP Address)
For Router B's Default Route
Destination IP Address
Network Mask
Gateway IP Address (FBR-1416's local router)
FBR-1416 User Guide
Upgrade Firmware
The firmware (software) in the FBR-1416 can be upgraded using your Web Browser.
You must first download the upgrade file, then select Upgrade Firmware on the Administra-
tion menu. You will see a screen like the following.
Figure 47: Router Upgrade Screen
To perform the Firmware Upgrade:
1. Click the Browse button and navigate to the location of the upgrade file.
2. Select the upgrade file. Its name will appear in the Upgrade File field.
3. Click the Start Upgrade button to commence the firmware upgrade.
The FBR-1416 is unavailable during the upgrade
process, and must restart when the upgrade is
completed. Any connections to or through the FBR-
1416 will be lost.
Appendix A
This Appendix covers the most likely problems and their solutions.
This chapter covers some common problems that may be encountered while using the FBR-
1416 and some possible solutions to them. If you follow the suggested steps and the FBR-1416
still does not function properly, contact your dealer for further advice.
General Problems
Problem 1:
Can't connect to the FBR-1416 to configure it.
Check the following:
Solution 1:
The FBR-1416 is properly installed, LAN connections are OK, and it is
powered ON.
Ensure that your PC and the FBR-1416 are on the same network seg-
ment. (If you don't have a router, this must be the case.)
If your PC is set to "Obtain an IP Address automatically" (DHCP
client), restart it.
If your PC uses a Fixed (Static) IP address, ensure that it is using an IP
Address within the range to and thus com-
patible with the FBR-1416's default IP Address of
Also, the Network Mask should be set to to match the
In Windows, you can check these settings by using Control Panel-
Network to check the Properties for the TCP/IP protocol.
Internet Access
Problem 1:
When I enter a URL or IP address I get a time out error.
A number of things could be causing this. Try the following troubleshooting
Solution 1:
Check if other PCs work. If they do, ensure that your PCs IP settings
are correct. If using a Fixed (Static) IP Address, check the Network
Mask, Default gateway and DNS as well as the IP Address.
If the PCs are configured correctly, but still not working, check the
FBR-1416. Ensure that it is connected and ON. Connect to it and check
its settings. (If you can't connect to it, check the LAN and power con-
Check the FBR-1416's status screen to see if it is working correctly.
Problem 2:
Some applications do not run properly when using the FBR-1416.
The FBR-1416 processes the data passing through it, so it is not transparent.
For incoming connections, you must use the Virtual Server or Firewall
Solution 2:
FBR-1416 User Guide
Rules to specify the PC which will receive the incoming traffic.
You can also use the DMZ function. This should work with almost every
application, but:
It is a security risk, since the firewall is disabled.
Only one (1) PC can use this feature.
Appendix B
Multi-Function FBR-1416
ADSL Interface
T1.413, G.DMT, G.lite, multi-mode
189mm(W) * 122mm(D) * 33mm(H)
0° C to 40° C
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Network Protocol:
Network Interface:
-10° C to 70° C
4 * 10/100BaseT (RJ45) LAN connection
1 * RJ11 for ADSL line
Power Adapter
15 V AC External
FBR-1416 User Guide
Regulatory Approvals
FCC Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communica-
tions. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
To assure continued compliance, any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the
party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
(Example - use only shielded interface cables when connecting to computer or peripheral
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20
centimeters between the radiator and your body.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
CE Approval
CE Standards
This product complies with the 99/5/EEC directives, including the following safety and EMC
CE Marking Warning
This is a Class B product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference
in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
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